Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser, once a month I cold smoke a few pounds of garlic, cheese and a ham chub. We do a nice smoked garlic sauce that we add to our recipes and/or use as a grilling sauce. It brings a nice “Smoky Garlic” flavor to whatever you’re cooking.
Same with the cheese, it brings a “Kiss of Smoke” to your recipes. Think about Mac & cheese done with a good smoked cheese. You will never make Mac & cheese the same old way again.
The 5 pound ham chub makes great sandwiches and cubes up nice to toss into your casserole and egg recipes just to name a few. Again it brings in a Smoky flavor with it. This one we rubbed with Briggs True Texas Mustard Sauce and out Date Night Heat. You’ll love adding a little heat to your meat.
This is how easy it is to do!
See Video:
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
Smokin’ on Your Gasser, because there are a lot of fine gas grills out there. In fact there are more gas grills in America’s back yards than any other. We get a lot of comments like “I have a gas grill and I can’t do that. Or I can’t Smoke or do any “Low & Slow” cooks on my grill.
So with a little help from BBQ Pellets on Line’s Wedgie we thought we would show you how to do anything you can dream of on your gasser. We’ll show you how to do “Slow Smoking” and then “Low & Slow BBQ”. We are also thinking about doing some “Cold Smoked Cheese” then doing some grilling “Hot and Fast” all with a “Kiss of Smoke”.
The important thing to keep in mind is TIME & TEMPERATURE. If you can control the heat you can smoke in anything, even a cardboard box.
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours cold smoke (below 100*)
Grill: Gas Grill
Pellets: BBQ Pellets on Line Mesquite in a Wedgie
What You Need for Smokin’ on Your Gasser:
First, you need a grill that’s burners go front to back.
You need to be able to control the burners, by shutting off some of the burners while at the same time be able to control the temperature on other burners. I always light the left burner and turn the rest off. But, it doesn’t matter if you use the left or right burner. You need at least 3 burners with 4 being even better.
You need some kind of oven thermometer so you can see the temperature of the meat at/on your grill grate. Your hood thermometer won’t help, you don’t care the temp is up there, but you need to know what it is where the meat is.
I use a Maverick ET-732 that has 2 probes, one for the meat and one for the grill level.
Then, you need a “Smoke Box” and the “Wedgie” is a good one. The cool thing about using the “Wedgie” is that BBQ Pellets on Line sells 1, 3 or 10 pound bags of pellets so you don’t have to buy a big bag that will last a year. It makes it easy to mix and match pellets for the smoke flavor you want. They have over 21 different pellets!
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
Recipe for Smoky Chipotle Garlic Sauce:
Recipe for Smoked Garlic Sauce:
Recipe for Extra Cheesy Mac & Cheese:
Ingredients: Cold Smokin on Your Gasser
- Ham chub (this one was 5 lbs.)
- 6 lbs. cheese (use what you like)
- 2 lbs. peeled garlic
- Briggs True Mustard Sauce
- “Date Night Heat- Add A Little Heat To Your Meat” Seasoning
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
The Smoke is Rolling
Cooking Directions: Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
Light your Wedgie and set it in the back out of the way. Load up your “Bull Racks” with your ham, cheese and garlic. Use a solid pan for the ham to catch the dripping if you put it on top or put it on the bottom. (You don’t want the mustard dripping flavoring your cheese and garlic)
Score the ham with criss cross cuts to let your sauce in. Rub with the Briggs Texas Mustard and dust with “Date Night Heat- “Add a Little Heat to Your Meat” (A mild pepper blend) and place it onto your Bull Rack.
After it cooled I ran through the slicer leaving about a pound or so for Patti for something wonderful she wants to make.
We cut 2 lb. blocks of cheese into 4 pieces for more surfaces to pick up smoke and easier handling.
Now, just let things sit in the smoke for 2 hours. Keep in mind that most things don’t pick up any more smoke after 2 hours. I checked it after a ½ hour and then after an hour. Bring it in after 2 hours.
The cheese will get more intense if you let it just sit in a zip lock bag in the fridge for a few days. Sometimes after that I will vacuum seal it but we normally use it or give it away before it goes bad.
That’s it; it really is just that easy…
When I need one I use a Maverick ProTemp Instant Read Thermometer for checking meat temps.
Note: I get a lot of questions about the kind of pellets you can use with a recipe. Keep in mind that a recipe is just an outline. Some you need to follow closely like when you are making bread, but most you can do anything you can dream, our favorite way to cook. Feel free to mix and match the pellets until you find a combination you really like. Also you are only smoking at temps less than 250 degrees (122c), anything higher is cooking and there will not be much if any smoke so it does not matter what kind of pellet you are using.
Ham Chub Ready for That “Kiss of Smoke”
Cheese on the “Bull Rack”
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
Light Your Wedgie
The Wedgie
That “Kiss of Smoke”
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
2 Hours in the Smoke
The Ham
The Cheese
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
The Garlic
The Ham
Cold Smokin’ on Your Gasser
A BBQ Grill Recipe
About our Recipes
We do our recipes on our patio where we have a lineup of grills, including Green Mountain, Sawtooth, Louisiana, Memphis, Royall, Traeger pellet grills, Char-Griller, Saber, Charmglow, Char-Broil, The Big Easy, Pacific Living Pizza Oven, Lodge Sportsman’s, Brinkman and Weber. I call it our “Wall of Grill”. Our grilling styles are healthy and low fat and will fit pelletheads, gas, natural wood and even charcoal purists. Almost any of our recipes can be done on any kind of good BBQ.
The important thing to keep in mind is TIME & TEMPERATURE. You can even do some of them in the oven or crock pot, but, then you lose all the flavors you get from cooking outdoors. But sometimes it does rain.
Remember that a recipe is simply an outline; it is not written in stone. Don’t be afraid to make changes to suit your taste. Take it and run with it….
Live your Passion and Do What You Love
Ken & Patti
Youtube Channel
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“Date Night Heat”, Add a Little Heat To Your Meat”
“Date Night Gourmet Steak Seasoning“.
Our Thanks To:
The Smoking Wedgie
Duck Fat
BBQ Pellets on Line