Slow Smoked, Sirloin Roast
Slow Smoked Sirloin Tip Roast


Slow Smoked Sirloin Tip Roast, tender, juicy and melt in your mouth good. We were wanting BIG MEAT for our Date Night Dinner so we went shopping. Patti and I looked at steaks, short ribs and then we saw this 5 ½ pound Sirloin Tip Roast. We smoked it for an hour in Green Mountain Grill’s Gourmet Blend Pellet Blend then, put a little heat to it with a Wedgie boost so we could eat tonight. So good and well worth the wait served with Patti’s twice baked potatoes.

Patti and I have set one night a week just for us. It’s our date night. We usually put something special on our Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grill/Smoker but sometimes we cook inside. We always eat outside on our patio where it is very comfortable with a rainforest theme.  Wood Pellet Patio Heater, little lights, candles, lanterns and surround sound. We enjoy a little wine, or strawberry margaritas using frozen strawberries for ice, good food, music and sometimes a dance or two…

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They are “How To” BBQ Picture Books

“Reverse Sear what is it?”
And The Art Of BBQ: Beef on the Wood Pellet Grill”

Backyard BBQ
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hr. smoke 150 degrees (66c), 300 degrees (149c) until I.T. 125 degrees (52c)
Grill: Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grill/Smoker
Pellets: Green Mountain Grill’s Gourmet Blend Pellet

Ingredients: Slow Smoked Sirloin Tip Roast

Directions: Slow Smoked Sirloin Tip Roast

Give your roast a good dusting with your Big Dick’s “Big Kahuna” rub for a nice Hawaiian twist.

Set it in an oven safe dish, pour in the red wine. We used GMG’s remote probe so we inserted it and we are ready for the grill. We smoked it for an hour at 150 degrees (66c), and then we turned the heat up to 300 degrees (149c). At 300 degrees there is no smoke and I wanted a little more. So we put a Wedige on the grill with the roast for a smoke boost. Baste every so often with the wine in the baking dish. We did not time this part of the cook, but instead we were looking for an Internal Temperature of 125 degrees (52c). Keep in mind that the meat will continue cooking for another 5-10 degrees after you pull it off the grill.

Slow Smoked, Sirloin Roast
Add the Wine and you’re ready for the Smoke


Slow Smoked, Sirloin Roast
In The Smoke

Backyard BBQ
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe

Cooking Directions: Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grill/Smoker

I like to smoke everything for at least 30 minutes with an hour being even better. After all the Green Mountain wood pellet grill is an awesome smoker so use it for all the wood smoke flavor it will add to your food.

Preheat your Grill Grates, I like around 400* (205c) for a cleaning burn. So, after the grill comes up to temp and burns clean turn it back down to 150 degrees (66c). Place everything directly onto the grill and just let it hang out in the smoke and get happy for an hour or so. This is referred to as “Smoking” or “Hot Smoking”. After an hour, turn the (Temperature Control) up to 300 degrees (149c).

When the meat reaches an internal temp of 125 degrees (52c) pull it off, cover it and let it rest for 10 minutes before serving. This will be rare. Keep in mind that the meat will continue cooking for another 5-10 degrees after you pull it off the grill. So for medium pull it at 140 (60c) and overdone 160 (72c). I use a Maverick ProTemp Instant Read Thermometer for checking meat temps.

Note: I get a lot of questions about the kind of pellets you can use with a recipe. Keep in mind that a recipe is just an outline. Some you need to follow closely like when you are making bread, but most you can do anything you can dream, our favorite way to cook. Feel free to mix and match the pellets until you find a combination you really like. Also you are only smoking at temps less than 250 degrees (122c), anything higher is cooking and there will not be much if any smoke so it does not matter what kind of pellet you are using.

Backyard BBQ
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe

Cooking In the Oven:

We have been getting requests for recipe conversions for the Oven. I tell folks all the time that cooking on a Wood Pellet Grill/Smoker is just as easy as cooking in your oven. Just about anyone can do it and do it well. Think about it. You set your control knob to the temp you want, put your meat in and leave it for a set time.

It is the same thing, time and temperature is what it is all about. The Green Mountain grill is just like your oven except it uses wood pellets and has wheels. Cook at 300 degrees (149c), basting every so often with the wine in the baking dish. We did not time this part of the cook, but instead we were looking for an Internal Temperature of 125 degrees (52c). Use a remote meat thermometer for this. Easy…

Slow Smoked, Sirloin Roast
Lookin’ Good


Slow Smoked, Sirloin Roast
Reserve the Wine Drippings for Dinner

Backyard BBQ
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe

Slow Smoked, Sirloin Roast
Let’s Eat!!!

About Our Recipes

We do our recipes on our patio where we have a lineup of grills, including Green Mountain, Uuni Wood Fired Pizza Oven, Sawtooth, Louisiana, Royall, Memphis, Traeger pellet grills, Char Griller side box smoker, Saber, Charmglow, Char-Broil, The Big Easy, Lodge Sportsman’s, Brinkman and Weber. I call it our “Wall of Grill”. Our grilling styles are healthy and low fat and will fit pelletheads, gas, natural wood and even charcoal purists. Almost any of our recipes can be done on any kind of good BBQ.

The important thing to keep in mind is TIME & TEMPERATURE. You can do our recipes on any grill, even some of them in the oven or crock pot, but, then you lose all the flavors you get from cooking outdoors. But sometimes it does rain.

Remember that a recipe is simply an outline; it is not written in stone. Don’t be afraid to make changes to suit your taste. Take it and run with it….

Live your Passion and Do What You Love,
Ken & Patti

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They are “How To BBQ Picture Books
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Our Thanks To:

Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce
Maverick Industries, Inc. 800-526-0954 
Green Mountain Grills LLC  800 603 3398
Grill Grates
Smoke Daddy Pellet Pro Patriot
(847) 336-1329

Bull Rack System EarthWorks Supply
Butcher BBQ
Don Godke’s Downdraft

Our Cutlery Provided By: ???

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sherry

    Hi, can you give an idea of how long you cooked at 300 for your 5.5 pound roast to get to 125? I’m trying to get a sense of timing
    With thanks,
    From Black Olive Newbie

    1. Ken Fisher

      Hi Sherry,
      Look under “Cook Time” and it says “Cook Time: 1 hr. smoke 150 degrees (66c), 300 degrees (149c) until I.T. 125 degrees (52c)”
      Everything is “Time and Temp.” so this should work well in your Black Olive too…

      Chef Ken

  2. Everett Cochenour

    Smokeing 3 11lb sirloin tips is in a pit boss 1000xl time what would you suggest.

    1. Ken Fisher

      No way I could give you a time, time would only be a rule of thumb. Go by your I.T.. Shoot for 125* to 130* and call me when it’s time to eat…

  3. z grills

    This sirloin looks very delicious and juicy, I also made an amazing smoked sirloin tip roast. The smoked sirloin tip roast is a great way to enjoy a deliciously tender medium rare steak with lots of flavors. This recipe uses a simple dry rub to give the beef a nice flavor and is smoked using cherry wood pellets for a classic barbecue flavor.

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