Caribbean Spice Chicken
We made an easy three ingredient Spatchcock chicken…including the chicken. Simple, tasty and a little spicy thanks to Ken’s favorite Chef of the Future Floribbean seasoning sprinkled generously over the top and bottom of our spatch cocked chicken and during the last ten minutes Patti brushed on All Spice Café’s Caribbean Spice Sauce. The All Spice Café’s Caribbean Spice Sauce is not like anything I have ever tasted, it’s a really zingy sauce (not hot) that’s all natural and gluten free that leaves your mouth with a “Happy Glow”. The best I can describe it, a very pleasant even refreshing glow. Already thinking of other things to use it with…
Patti served it with a simple box stuffing and cauliflower that came with its own cheese sauce. A super tasty mid-week dinner!
Caribbean Spice Chicken
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 60 minutes @350 degrees (177c)
Grill: Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grill/Smoker
Pellets: Pacific Pellet Gourmet BBQ Northwest Apple
Ingredients: Caribbean Spice Chicken
- 1 6lb. chicken, spatchcocked
- Chef of the Future Floribbean Rub & Seasoning
- All Spice Café Caribbean Spice Sauce
Caribbean Spice Chicken
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe
How To Spatchcock A Chicken Video:
Directions: Caribbean Spice Chicken
Spatchcock your chicken and sprinkle both sides of chicken with Chef of the Future Floribbean Rub & Seasoning. Place the chicken skin side down on your preheated Grill Grates for about 4 minutes, then do a quarter turn for another 4 minutes. This will give you those beautiful grill marks or flavor bars as I call them. You can skip this part if you want. It’s only for looks, but they say you eat with your eyes first.
Then, flip the chicken over so the skin side is up. Grill at 350 degrees (177c) for about an hour. Brush with your All Spice Café Caribbean Spice Sauce the last 10 minutes of your cook so it doesn’t burn. You are looking for an internal temperature around 180 degrees (82c). I like the way the meat flakes apart. U.S.D.A. safe for chicken is 165 degrees (74c). Pull, cover it and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Keep in mind that the meat will continue cooking for another 5 to10 degrees after you pull it off the grill. I use a Maverick ProTemp Instant Read Thermometer for checking meat temps.
Note: I get a lot of questions about the kind of pellets you can use with a recipe. Keep in mind that a recipe is just an outline. Some you need to follow closely like when you are making bread, but most you can do anything you can dream, our favorite way to cook. Feel free to mix and match the pellets until you find a combination you really like. Also you are only smoking at temps less than 250 degrees (122c), anything higher is cooking and there will not be much if any smoke so it does not matter what kind of pellet you are using.
Caribbean Spice Chicken
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe
Spatchcock Your Chicken and Season Both Sides
Do A Nice Sear on the Grill Grates 
Brush With Sauce The Last 10 Minutes
In The Smoke
Caribbean Spice Chicken
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe
Let’s Eat!!!
Cooking In the Oven:
We have been getting requests for recipe conversions for the Pacific Living Outdoor Oven. I tell folks all the time that cooking on a Wood Pellet Grill/Smoker is just as easy as cooking in your oven. Just about anyone can do it and do it well. Think about it. You set your control knob to the temp you want, put your meat in and leave it for a set time.
It is the same thing, time and temperature is what it is all about. The Green Mountain grill is just like your oven except it uses wood pellets and has wheels.
I did 60 minutes here at 350 (177c).
Note: The Pacific Living Outdoor Oven also has a smoke box.
Caribbean Spice Chicken
A Wood Pellet Grill Recipe
About our Recipes
We do our recipes on our patio where we have a lineup of grills, including Louisiana, Green Mountain, Royall, Memphis, Traeger pellet grills, Char Griller side box smoker, Saber, Charmglow, Char-Broil, The Big Easy, Pacific Living Outdoor Oven, Lodge Sportsman’s, Brinkman and Weber. I call it our “Wall of Grill”. Our grilling styles are healthy and low fat and will fit pelletheads, gas, natural wood and even charcoal purists. Almost any of our recipes can be done on any kind of good BBQ.
The important thing to keep in mind is TIME & TEMPERATURE. You can even do some of them in the oven or crock pot, but, then you lose all the flavors you get from cooking outdoors. But sometimes it does rain.
Remember that a recipe is simply an outline; it is not written in stone. Don’t be afraid to make changes to suit your taste. Take it and run with it….
Live your Passion and Do What You Love
Ken & Patti
Youtube Channel
Our Thanks To:
Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce
Maverick Industries, Inc.
A storage container & dispenser for wood pellets
Lodge Cast Iron
Grill Grates
Pacific Living Outdoor Oven
Pacific Living Inc.
Rick Jones
Green Mountain Grills LLC
1 800 603 3398
Chef Of The Future Brand Seasoning
973 780 5895
Pacific Pellet Gourmet BBQ
All Things BBQ
All Spice Cafe Gourmet Foods
- 1 6lb. chicken, spatchcocked
- Chef of the Future Floribbean Rub & Seasoning
- All Spice Café Caribbean Spice Sauce
- Spatchcock your chicken and sprinkle both sides of chicken with Chef of the Future Floribbean Rub & Seasoning. Place the chicken skin side down on your preheated Grill Grates for about 4 minutes, then do a quarter turn for another 4 minutes. This will give you those beautiful grill marks or flavor bars as I call them. You can skip this part if you want. It’s only for looks, but they say you eat with your eyes first.
- Then, flip the chicken over so the skin side is up. Grill at 350 degrees (177c) for about an hour. Brush with your All Spice Café Caribbean Spice Sauce the last 10 minutes of your cook so it doesn’t burn. You are looking for an internal temperature around 180 degrees (82c). I like the way the meat flakes apart. U.S.D.A. safe for chicken is 165 degrees (74c). Pull, cover it and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Keep in mind that the meat will continue cooking for another 5 to10 degrees after you pull it off the grill. I use a Maverick ProTemp Instant Read Thermometer for checking meat temps.