Leg of Lamb on the Kamado

Leg of Lamb on the Kamado Leg of lamb is something most folks have on special occasions. For us date night is a special occasion once a week. Plus, we just love lamb! Our butcher has them is assorted sizes and we picked one just right for us. Grilled on our Char-Griller Akorn Kamado and seasoned with Big Dick’s Big Kahuna Seasoning it was most…

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Leg of Lamb on the Kamado Video

https://youtu.be/mwrolrHQVJQ Leg of Lamb on the Kamado Video Leg of lamb is something most folks have on special occasions. For us date night is a special occasion once a week. Plus, we just love lamb! Our butcher has them is assorted sizes and we picked one just right for us. Grilled on our Char-Griller Akorn Kamado and seasoned with Big Dick’s Big Kahuna Seasoning it…

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