Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops were tender, juicy, and sweet with a “Kiss of Maple Smoke” all through it. We grilled some of our “Cold Smoked Chops” and I just don’t have the words to tell you how good these were. I truly believe these are the best pork chops we have ever, let me repeat EVER eaten! But, I said that last time, too…
Tender and juicy with a kiss of maple smoke all through it, not just the outside of them.
A few weeks ago we showed how to cold smoke pork chops and Piggy Prime Rib; we did not even fire up the grill because cold smoking is done less than 100 degrees (38c). We seasoned 5 pounds of 2 inch boneless pork loin chops and a 6 pound bone in pork loin with our own “Date Night Butt Rub” and cold smoked them for around 3 hours. Most things don’t pick up any more smoke flavor after 2 hours.
Then, we placed the pork in an air tight bag and let it get all happy for a week before we put our chops back on the grill for 20 minutes. These were truly a Wonderful Experience!!!
Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
A Pellet Grill Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes @ 400* (205c)
Grill: Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grill
Pellets: Green Mountain’s Fruitwood Blend BBQ Pellet
See Video: http://datenightdoins.com/video-strawberry-habanero-glazed-loin-chops/
Link to How to Cold Smoke Pork: http://datenightdoins.com/how-to-cold-smoke-pork/
Link Piggy Prime Rib: http://datenightdoins.com/cold-smoked-piggy-prime-rib/
Ingredients: Smoked Pork Chops with Maple Pepper Glaze
- 6 pork loin chops, (Ours were cold smoked, optional)
- Our Date Night “Butt Rub”
- Our Date Night Doins “Date Night Heat”
- 1 cup Briggs True Strawberry Habanero Jam (More Sweet than Hot)
Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
A Pellet Grill Recipe
Directions: Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
Preheat your Grill Grates to a screaming 400* (205c). We had already “Cold Smoked” our Pork loin Chops, but if you haven’t done that you can still smoke/cook it this way.
You can season them now and just let them blend for at least 15 minutes before they go on the hot Grill Grates, a few hours would be ever better. We used our Date Night Butt Rub” and “Date Night Heat” but you can use your favorite seasoning.
Heat the glaze in a small bowl to thin it out so you can brush onto your chops.
Brush them with the glaze and place them on the “HOT” Grill Grates for 10 minutes per side with a quarter turn at 5 minutes. After you turn them over brush them with the glaze again. Your cooking time will vary a little depending on the thickness of your chops. We cut ours out of a large pork loin so we try for 1 ½ or 2 inch chops.
Grill until your pork chops have reached an internal temperature of 140* (60c). Pull them off the grill, cover and let them rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. U.S.D.A. safe is 145* (62c). Keep in mind that the meat will continue cooking for another 5 to 10 degrees after you pull it off the grill. I use a Maverick ProTemp Instant Read Thermometer for checking meat temps.
Note: I get a lot of questions about the kind of pellets you can use with a recipe. Keep in mind that a recipe is just an outline. Some you need to follow closely like when you are making bread, but most you can do anything you can dream, our favorite way to cook. Feel free to mix and match the pellets until you find a combination you really like. Also you are only smoking at temps less than 250 degrees (122c), anything higher is cooking and there will not be much if any smoke so it does not matter what kind of pellet you are using.
Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
A Pellet Grill Recipe

Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
A Pellet Grill Recipe

Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
A Pellet Grill Recipe

Strawberry Habanero Glazed Loin Chops
A Pellet Grill Recipe
About our Recipes
We do our recipes on our patio where we have a lineup of grills, including Green Mountain, Sawtooth, Louisiana, Royall, Memphis, Traeger pellet grills, Char Griller side box smoker, Saber, Charmglow, Char-Broil, The Big Easy, Pacific Living Outdoor Oven, Lodge Sportsman’s, Brinkman and Weber. I call it our “Wall of Grill”. Our grilling styles are healthy and low fat and will fit pelletheads, gas, natural wood and even charcoal purists. Almost any of our recipes can be done on any kind of good BBQ.
The important thing to keep in mind is TIME & TEMPERATURE. You can do our recipes on any grill, even some of them in the oven or crock pot, but, then you lose all the flavors you get from cooking outdoors. But sometimes it does rain.
Remember that a recipe is simply an outline; it is not written in stone. Don’t be afraid to make changes to suit your taste. Take it and run with it….
Live your Passion and Do What You Love,
Ken & Patti
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And Checking Out Our Store…
“Date Night Butt Rub”
“Date Night Heat”, Add a Little Heat To Your Meat”
“Date Night Gourmet Steak Seasoning“
Our Thanks To:
Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce www.countrybobs.com
Maverick Industries, Inc. 1-800-526-0954 help@maverickhousewares.com http://www.maverickhousewares.com/
Green Mountain Grills LLC 1 800 603 3398 Email: info@greenmountaingrills.com http://greenmountaingrills.com/contact/
Grill Grates http://www.grillgrate.com/
Q-Stoves Outdoor Wood Pellet Patio Heaters http://www.qstoves.com/ 206-909-0397 vp@qstoves.com
Briggs True Texas Sauces & Seasoning https://briggstrue.com/
Bull Rack System EarthWorks Supply 503-678-7744 http://www.earthworkssupply.com/
Don Godke’s Downdraft http://dongodkesdowndraft.com/
Butcher BBQ http://www.butcherbbq.com/
Maverick ProTemp Instant Read Thermometer (Our Store)
Wood Fired Pizza Oven https://woodpelletpizzaoven.com/
Chef of the Future https://www.chef-ofthefuture.com/ 973 780 5895 info@chef-ofthefuture.com
Meat Rake (360)-524-2087 Email: meatrakes@hotmail.com http://meatrake.com/
Grandville’s Gourmet BBQ Sauces Steve 360 943 2861 www.grandvillesbbqsauces.com
The Smoking Wedgie Our Store: http://datenightdoins.com/store/Smokin-Wedgie-and-Sample-Packs-
Duck Fat Our Store: http://datenightdoins.com/store/Gourmet-Duck-Fat-Spray-Can-7-Ounce-Free-Shipping-
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